26th September: The European Day of Languages.

per antonia macias marquez darrera modificació 2020-03-25T15:27:04+02:00

In order to celebrate the European Day of Languages, we are going to take part in the virtual competition :" Why is it important to learn languages?"

  • Read the information about the competition.
  • Go to http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm
  • There, choose the topic "Education and Training","Policy Areas","languages" and "Language Learning"
  • Read the information given and find at least 3 reasons to learn languages. You can change the page into Spanish language if you don't understand the English one.
  • Write a sentence answering the question: "Why is it important to learn languages?
  • Give me your answers and  GOOD LUCK!


"Learning languages is important to travel , to work, to have a friendship with people from other countries. We have to study languages to understand the others."

Sandra Valera (3r A)

"I think that learning languages helps you to find a job, to communicate with people around the world and to improve your intellectual and cultural development"

Ana Gómez. (3rC)

"I think that the most important reason to learn languages is communication. So, if we want to live, we must learn languages to communicate with other people. Remember, if there isn't communication, there isn't life !"

Carla Domínguez (3rA)