28th September / 3rd October

per antonia macias marquez darrera modificació 2020-03-25T15:27:04+02:00

Hello students.

Today we are going to practise Present Simple and Present Continuous.

  1. Find out information about a famous person: a singer, actor or actress, a politician, a sportsman or woman. .  You can use this link: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portada
  2. Write at least 5 sentences talking about his or her daily routine. Use the Present Simple.
  3. Then, imagine what he or she is doing now and write at least 5 sentences using Present Continuous.
  4. Send me your "compositions" to amacias@iespuigcastellar.xeill.net
  5. To check vocabulary you can go to http://www.wordreference.com/es


Do your best! Bye!