A memorable, spooky night at the Tunnel of Terror!

per Institut Puig Castellar darrera modificació 2023-12-04T10:28:06+02:00
On 31st October we celebrated Halloween at Puig Castellar and the first year Batxillerat students organised the tunnel of terror. Here is a short video so that you can enjoy some spooky moments, together with some reactions from some students who attended the experience.

A MEMORABLE DAY! (Andrea Bosque (Batx 102)

A memorable day was 31st October 2023. In my high school, some first year students of bachillerato decided to do an activity for Halloween with the intention of raising money for our end of year trip and above all to have a good time.

The activity was a tunnel of terror, where different actors played their roles and scared the participants. It cost a total of 3 euros. At the end of the classes, we all went home for lunch and went back to school. The activity started at 5pm and finished at 8pm. I have never forgotten how many people were in the queue.

We had been planning for it to be a special day. I clearly remember how it was a super exciting day with my friends. We laughed a lot and enjoyed all our effort weeks ago. We divided the work, some of us were actors, some helped out in the queue, and some others helped at the ticket sale.

The groups to enter the tunnel were a minimum of 6 people, if any participant was too scared to enter the tunnel, they could exit through a specific door. For some people, the experience could be exciting and fun. At the same time, others found it very intense, especially the nervous, frightened ones.

In the end, it was a wonderful experience that I would like to repeat again. We look forward to seeing you all next time! The best tunnel of terror at Puig Castellar!

Andrea Aguilera (Batx 102)

On the 31st of October, Halloween is celebrated in Anglo-Saxon countries with costumes, spooky decorations, and trick-or-treating. Instead, in Spain, the traditional celebration takes a different turn. While Halloween has gained popularity in recent years, it is more common for Catalans to celebrate an autumnal tradition known as "La Castanyada," focusing on chestnuts.

However, the popularity of Halloween has increased a lot in the last few years, and now it’s common to celebrate both. Since last year, in Puig Castellar, we have made a Terror Tunnel to contribute to the end-of-year trip.

Both years I have participated in the Terror Tunnel and I think it has been a very enriching experience that everyone should do once in life. On the previous days, coming to high school with your friends in the evening and doing a productive job where you can have fun is a very good way to spend your evening with your friends and also you can make new friends during this activity. I think that this activity should be celebrated in every high school.

Jheremy Sánchez (Batx 101)

One of the most memorable days of my life was when I went to the Terror Tunnel with my friend Ashot. It was a famous Halloween attraction in our town. We arrived at the place and saw a long queue of people waiting to get in. After almost an hour, finally, it was our turn to enter.

Once we were in, we saw a zombie chasing us. We ran, but he caught Ashot. He cried and begged him to let him go. The zombie laughed and said he was Maksym, a classmate who was working as an actor there. He apologized and said it was a prank. We continued our way, but we faced another surprise: a group of clowns with knives surrounded and attacked us. Ashot shouted and we ran away. What a frightening moment!

We laughed at ourselves and felt glad that we survived. It was a scary but hilarious adventure!