Erasmus Policy Statement

Our full Erasmus Charter Application signed by our principal

ECHE 2021-2027


In our local context, in recent years, many young people have left their studies to take unskilled but well paid jobs. As a result, we have a low level of education within the young population as well as a high unemployment rate. This implies a low socioeconomic status which can even get worse due to the effects of the economic crisis, This situation hinders future expectations for those who search a job or aim to implement new business projects in a changing and demanding labour market. Therefore, economic and social development of the region is decreasing.

From INS Puig Castellar we are determined to improve the education and training of professionals, to enable them to meet the changing needs of the labour market. To adapt to these changes, we need to fit content, infrastructure, and methods used in Vocational Training to provide adult and young learners real prospects for personal development and attractive and stimulating careers.
After the analysis of this situation, we believe that our actions must respond to all these needs to achieve an European education and training environment, including transparent rating systems to enable the transmission and the accumulation
of learning outcomes, the recognition of qualifications and skills and the extension of transnational mobility.



  • Offering a more attractive Vocational Training with a more opened structure in order to arouse people's interest to achieve higher levels of education.
  • Increasing the percentage of graduates in Higher Vocational Training , the levels of performance and the relevance of the training provided. Europe Strategy 2020
  • Increasing mobility opportunities in such a socio-economic disadvantaged sector.
  • Encouraging to use foreign languages as a part of learning and as a communication tool for both academia and business purposes.
  • Making the partner companies,where students perform their practice, and local economic agents more sensitive about the value-added participation in these experiences.
  • Advising recent graduates in the process of employment and entrepreneurship in business activities.


We aim to achieve these goals through a proactive timely during the period 2014-2020 as follows:

First step 2014-16


  • Increasing mobility of our staff, both in terms of participation meetings to exchange experiences and training programs in order to analyze and subsequently implement those improvements in our center.
  • Promoting the use of English in our centre by increasing training units taught in that language as well as those activities devoted to strengthen those students with a low initial level.
  • Initiating and promoting other foreign language learning activities, (French and German) cooperating with other institutions.
  • Using a system of evaluation and satisfaction objectives for each course in order to improve academic performance and procedural aspects.
  • Promoting cooperation in online projects with institutions in other countries to stimulate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The efforts will be focused on selecting the reference countries where English is a foreign language and part of the academic and business process.
  • Promoting short term exchange activities of small groups .

Second step 2016-18


  • Equiping our centre with the necessary infrastructure to carry out the integration of students into programs and practices.
  • Identifying and promoting the events and characteristics of our centre to make it attractive to host students from other countries.
  • Promoting the mobility of our students so that they can perform practices in other countries ,after checking the corresponding compatibility methodology and content.
  • Informing partner companies where our students perform their work experience in order to reach agreement on the integration of students from other countries.

Third step 2018-20


  • Promoting the mobility so that they can carry out complementary studies of other countries after determining the corresponding compatibility methodology and content.
  • Implementing the settlement process of students both in studies as in traineeship.
  • Increasing levels of performance to provide graduates and researchers as Europe needs
  • Make a transfer of knowledge to the market, and in this context provide continuity of innovation and technology and procedural application. From evaluation surveys of partners, companies and participants to review and monitor the content to adapt programs and make a regular analysis of satisfaction. Improving the quality and relevance of higher education
  • Encouraging the implementation of a system able to ensure the achieving of quality through independent evaluation.
  • Establishing procedures for recognition of learning and experience acquired previously outside the formal education and training. Link Assessment and Recognition FP:
  • Simplifying the recognition of qualifications and periods of study.
  • Encouraging a wider public sector of population to receive a higher education. Conducting seminars and updating and disseminate the project on the website
  • Review and compare the trend in enrollment, as well as the time of incorporation of graduates in the labor market.
  • Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation
  • Developing effective strategies to ensure access and exchange of students who belong to a group of people usually disadvantaged and under-represented in such programs of cooperation. Defining new roles and tasks to perform in order to ensure quality.
  • Promoting synergies with different communication centres and exchanging experiences.
  • Linking higher education, research and business in order to achieve excellence and regional development
  • Promoting cooperation between different schools, administrative and research institutions and companies, to strength the knowledge triangle as the basis for a more innovative and creative economy·
  • Prepare people to respond to the needs of the knowledge economy.
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting cooperativism as a way to increase employment levels.
  • Improving the governance and funding
  • Facilitate financial aid to prospective students from lower income groups.
  • Evaluating continuously the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and the processes used in the centre management.