Erasmus Call 2015-2016

per Roger Borrell darrera modificació 2023-11-14T19:35:04+02:00

Erasmus Call 2015-2016



Monday 26th of October Interviews:


Courts and Included/Excluded candidates


Wednesday 14th of October: English exams from 12 to 16pm at Stallman class (1st floor) .


  • 1er GA: 12:00-12:30
  • 2on GA 12:30-13:00
  • 1erSMX A/B: 13:00- 13:30
  • 2on SMX A/B: 13:30- 14:00
  • 1erSMX C / 2on SMX C: 14:30-15:00
  • AiF/ASIX/DAM: 15:00 -15:30

If you have any problem with this schedule please contact with Antonia Macias at:




To register in the Erasmus process please follow the link