
per Institut Puig Castellar darrera modificació 2020-04-24T20:22:45+02:00

Koko and Luna

Koko is Luna's lover

their love will never get over

Koko loves Luna's eyes

when he looks at them he gets iced.

Why can't a dog and a rabbit love each other.

(This limmerick is based on a true story)

Noelia Lorenzo & Lenís Toubé (102)


I whised to eat chicken

I entered in the kitchen

but I saw a mouse

that was hidden in my house.

At the end, I ate in KFC.

Pau Pérez Torres (4t d'ESO)

[Aquests textos han estat publicats al núm. 36 de la revista Sota el cel del Puig, maig de 2012.]