This is the BBC (10 February 2011)

per Institut Puig Castellar darrera modificació 2020-04-24T20:22:33+02:00
Teatre en anglès

This is the BBC (10 February 2011)

  • I liked the play because it's very interesting and cheerful. It's funny to see my classmate on the stage acting. I understand the words. The actors perform good roles. [Alba Brasero, CFGM Gestió Administrativa]

  • My opinion about this “BBC” is good, it's very funny. The actors on the play are interesting, because they are funny with the audience. Joana was very good in the play. [Borja Castillo, CFGM Gestió Administrativa]

  • I think the play was very interesting. I like to study English and I can't understand everything, yet. But I have the opportunity listing to original English players in my school. That is fine! [Elvira Gordillo, CFGM Gestió Administrativa]
  • The play is very interesting and funny for me, I enjoyed it very much. In my opinion it is a good option to learn English. [Sandra Fernández del Moral, Gestió Administrativa]


  • I liked the play because it is very funny to see students acting. I enjoyed it because I laughed a lot. [Laura Barba López, Gestió Administrativa]
  • I liked the music and the characters of the play. I liked my school mates. [Rosanni Martínez, Gestió Administrativa]


[Aquests comentaris van estar publicats al número 35 de la revista Sota el cel del Puig, maig de 2011.]