My dreams

per elpuig — darrera modificació 2020-04-24T20:22:45+02:00
Llistat de somnis a la manera de Georges Perec


My dreams



  • I’d like to drive a racing car.
  • I’d like to travel into space.
  • I’d like to have a motorbike.
  • I’d like to be a millionaire.
  • I’d like to be a pediatrician.
  • I’d like to talk with Pep Guardiola.
  • I’d like to cut Puyol’s hair.

[Alumnes de 3r d’ESO, grup B]

  • I’d like to have a black horse.
  • I’d like to travel around the world.
  • I’d like to travel to Cadiz with David.
  • I’d like to meet David Bisbal.
  • I’d like to meet the Euro Man.
  • I’d like to travel to Caribe with my boyfriend.
  • I’d like to work with dolphins.
  • I’d like to live in the moon.
  • I’d like to get an EXCEL·LENT in my research work.
  • I’d like to get an EXCEL·LENT in Selectivitat (University entry exam) and work in what I want.
  • I’d like to work with Giorgio Armani.
  • I’d like Spain to legalize marihuana.
  • I’d like some teachers rather not ask me questions in the research work exposition.
  • I’d like my brother to have an eternal life.

[Alumnes de 2n de batxillerat]


[Aquest llistat va estar publicat a la revista Sota el cel del Puig, núm. 6, gener de 2002.]